Meet Our Ceo

Meet Self-Love enthusiast Terance Green, known to some as “Mr. Black Amor.” He’s committed to a journey of Self-Awareness and Self-Healing. Through his past journey of trying to reach
“the world’s view of happiness”, Terance had a traumatizing but awakening experience. Due to the stress of trying to attain the unattainable, he found himself in a hospital bed. He then realized the dream we are painted from birth to reach
“a happily ever after” is just a dream.
He believes the true goal of life is to achieve a high level of self-awareness and self-love

Meet Our Ceo

Terance Green

Meet Self-Love enthusiast Terance Green, known to some as “Mr. Black Amor.” He’s committed to a journey of Self-Awareness and Self-Healing. Through his past journey of trying to reach
“the world’s view of happiness”, Terance had a traumatizing but awakening experience. Due to the stress of trying to attain the unattainable, he found himself in a hospital bed. He then realized the dream we are painted from birth to reach
“a happily ever after” is just a dream.
He believes the true goal of life is to achieve a high level of self-awareness and self-love

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